CCase Studies

Software Testing

Customer: A large P&C insurance company moving from legacy application to SOA based web application

Problem: The client wanted to migrate its P&C functionality from mainframes based legacy application to web services based web application. The client wanted to test the migrated functionality and data to ensure smooth operation.

Solution: The QABASA team of Test Managers , Engineers and Project Managers worked with the client teams to understand the short and long-term uses of the application. After understanding the problem, A regression test automation framework was developed. Test environment was created and automated scripts were developed. All functionalities were tested, fixed and implemented smoothly.

Business Optimization

Client: The client is a manufacturer of a proprietary distributed computing hardware technology for accelerating life sciences applications and making them easier to use on compute farms and clusters.

Engagement: To enhance the performance of a number of popular informatics applications (DOCK, SIM4, GOLD) on the customer’s proprietary technology platform. QABASA met with the client to understand their technology, define their objectives and install and test the software packages to be parallelized. Using the proprietary technology, a data parallelization architecture and our deep understanding of algorithms in bioinformatics, QABASA was able to deliver performance enhancements of up to 10 times on four applications in under 10 weeks.

Regulatory Assessment/Validation

About the Client: The client is a 12-year-old biopharmaceutical company in the protein crystallography and formulation business.

The Engagement: QABASA was engaged by the client to develop an understanding of the scientific processes underlying the business process within the company. The specific goal of the engagement was to identify a regulatory compliant scientific data management product that could be rapidly deployed within the company while offering an upgrade/customization path that will meet the future needs of the company. As a result of extensive of discussions, a number of high level user and functional requirements were identified. These requirements were prioritized based on their importance to the overall scientific and business processes and their impact to the near, mid and long-term business goals of the company. Based on these prioritized requirements product selection was accomplished. QABASA and the client have also jointly developed an implementation plan for the company for this initiative that includes a roll out and customization plan for the different functional groups within the company over the next 18 months.

Scientific Computing

Client: The client is a mid level biotechnology company that develops cancer treatment solutions by combining functional genomics and antigen-discovery technology with its proprietary biotechnology capabilities.

Engagement: QABASA was engaged by the client to develop a strategy and gather requirements for an application to house biological pathway data. The specific goals of the engagement were to work with leaders within the entire client organization who heavily use biological pathway information and their research groups to develop a business case for using biological pathways as a central tool in the client’s business processes, as a knowledge management tool as well as to gather requirements from the users and super-users (the Bioinformatics department). QABASA also developed a roadmap for the development and implementation of the proposed solution.