CConsulting Services

Our Consulting Services team puts an exceptional focus on client success. Consulting Services views customers as partners and takes significant pride in consistently beating the highest expectations. Our consultants are passionate advocates for customers, enabling the rapid deployment of mission-critical applications with QABASA.

Our expert consulting team with vast experience solving big data challenges with data volume, variety, velocity, and complexity. They work on complex projects and they leverage an agile Delivery Methodology that encourages stakeholder feedback and accelerates skill acquisition among team members to ensure your project’s success. Consulting Services is constantly evolving its methodology to capture best practices and lessons learned. This dedication to perfection enables our customers to bring powerful, agile, and trusted applications/products to market faster and cheaper.

Our Consulting services are divided in 4 segments.

Medical Devices

Serves the medical device industry from services ranging from site planning, product development, compliance, design, regulatory affairs, quality, R&D and deployment.


Serves the pharmaceutical and drug manufacturing related services ranging from factory/site acceptance, commissioning and qualification, validation, regulatory affairs and drug safety.

Enterprise Applications

Serves both medical devices and pharmaceutical companies with services such as computer systems validation, Business Analysis, Quality Assurance, Regulatory Affairs, Mandatory Reporting and compliance, Vendor/Software selection and Data Management


Serves Clients throughout the drug discovery/safety and delivery phases. We help our clients with clinical trials, medical writing, risk assessment, compliance and data management activities.

Please contact our sales team for more information.